Reflections and notes on the relationship of art to nature and of nature to art from along Warwoman Creek, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Katuah Province of Turtle Island, where the light, the dark, the seasons, the time of deep past, deep present and deep future all mix in alchemal mists to reveal and hide and transform these slopes, shaded coves, bright rivers, deep forests and me, and together sustain me and my art.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just Published! a new iBook of my poems & paintings

Ten Poems and Eleven Paintings, Christmas 2009 - Laurence Holden

TEN POEMS AND ELEVEN PAINTINGS, CHRISTMAS 2009 - a book where vision and poetry gather, where sound and sight converse. These paintings and poems share something important - a concentrated form of paying attention - paying attention to what is! And what is, is both moving and still, both seen and unseen, heard and unheard. The paintings are still, yet move in our minds, thoughts, and feelings. The poems move in our minds, our thoughts, our feelings, and yet they form pooling echoes of the still and eternal present. Paintings and poems - two sides of one coin.

This electronic version includes two additional videos and is developed and adapted by Louis Leon from a handmade limited edition book the artist created and gave for a Christmas gift to friends and family in 2009.

(Laurence Holden lives along Warwoman Creek in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of the US, drawing his paintings and poems from his connection to the land here. His work in paint and word are just two natural dialects for the same thing - bearing witness to the Creation. His work articulates a belief that if we can restore our understanding of the land and our relationship to it, we might save ourselves too in these perilous times. 

Laurence's poems have appeared in several issues of the Chrysalis Reader, as well as in Written River, Appalachian Heritage, and The Reach of Song: The Poetry Anthology of the Georgia Poetry Society, 2011 and 2010, His work received an award of excellence from the Georgia Poetry Society in 2010 and an honorable mention from the Byron Herbert Reece Society in 2011. His paintings have appeared in over 20 solo exhibits, and are represented in over 200 public, private, and corporate collections.)