Reflections and notes on the relationship of art to nature and of nature to art from along Warwoman Creek, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Katuah Province of Turtle Island, where the light, the dark, the seasons, the time of deep past, deep present and deep future all mix in alchemal mists to reveal and hide and transform these slopes, shaded coves, bright rivers, deep forests and me, and together sustain me and my art.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Winter: a time, a space - of the world, of the mind, of thoughts and feelings. Winter - empty spaces, silent intervals, as if the connective tissue that connect events (color, sound) has withdrawn, retreated, retracted, and there appears in its place an emptiness. But no - it's something else, something that goes and something else that returns, and perhaps beneath both, something that stays, remains, abides - this is what I'm after to bear witness to here.
The silences of winter. I intend to create a space for this silence, to welcome it as a messenger of something I'm not quite sure of, but which is of value - especially in these times we live, when silence has been all but banished.As a result, a great emptiness intrudes on our lives. This is to say that these silences are not empty.
I often think my poems are surrounded by a great silence, a great fertile silence. The words come out of that and condense into sounds and words. But these paintings - I think there is a great silence within them, and it is out of this they grow. My series "The Garden of the Golden Sections" grows out of something else - a dynamic energy coursing through the gift of the world. But these winter paintings here perhaps echo the other side of this. The mystery of how the world works - through both.  
 In This Space of Winter, 2008. o/c 11"h. x 14"w.

Mountain, 2006. o/c 36"h. x 24"w.

The Pool, 2009. Pastel on paper 22"h. x 30"w.

Winter Trees, 2004. o/c 36" x 36"

What's Needed, 2009. w.c.

I Am This Stream, 2010. Acrylic on canvas. 42"h. x 59"w.

Into That Good Night, 2011. o/c 16"h. x 20"w.

Winter Song, 2011. o/c 11"h. x 14"w. 

In the Wintering of Willows, 2012. oil on birch panel48"h. x 48"w. x 4"d. 

Lost Codes in Winter, 2012. o/c 50"h. x 56"w.