Winter: a time, a space - of the world, of the mind, of thoughts and feelings. Winter - empty spaces, silent intervals, as if the connective tissue that connect events (color, sound) has withdrawn, retreated, retracted, and there appears in its place an emptiness. But no - it's something else, something that goes and something else that returns, and perhaps beneath both, something that stays, remains, abides - this is what I'm after to bear witness to here.
The silences of winter. I intend to create a space for this silence, to welcome it as a messenger of something I'm not quite sure of, but which is of value - especially in these times we live, when silence has been all but banished.As a result, a great emptiness intrudes on our lives. This is to say that these silences are not empty.
I often think my poems are surrounded by a great silence, a great fertile silence. The words come out of that and condense into sounds and words. But these paintings - I think there is a great silence within them, and it is out of this they grow. My series "The Garden of the Golden Sections" grows out of something else - a dynamic energy coursing through the gift of the world. But these winter paintings here perhaps echo the other side of this. The mystery of how the world works - through both.
In This Space of Winter, 2008. o/c 11"h. x 14"w.Winter: a time, a space - of the world, of the mind, of thoughts and feelings. Winter - empty spaces, silent intervals, as if the connective tissue that connect events (color, sound) has withdrawn, retreated, retracted, and there appears in its place an emptiness. But no - it's something else, something that goes and something else that returns, and perhaps beneath both, something that stays, remains, abides - this is what I'm after to bear witness to here.
The silences of winter. I intend to create a space for this silence, to welcome it as a messenger of something I'm not quite sure of, but which is of value - especially in these times we live, when silence has been all but banished.As a result, a great emptiness intrudes on our lives. This is to say that these silences are not empty.
I often think my poems are surrounded by a great silence, a great fertile silence. The words come out of that and condense into sounds and words. But these paintings - I think there is a great silence within them, and it is out of this they grow. My series "The Garden of the Golden Sections" grows out of something else - a dynamic energy coursing through the gift of the world. But these winter paintings here perhaps echo the other side of this. The mystery of how the world works - through both.
Mountain, 2006. o/c 36"h. x 24"w.
The Pool, 2009. Pastel on paper 22"h. x 30"w.
Winter Trees, 2004. o/c 36" x 36"
What's Needed, 2009. w.c.
I Am This Stream, 2010. Acrylic on canvas. 42"h. x 59"w.
Into That Good Night, 2011. o/c 16"h. x 20"w.
Winter Song, 2011. o/c 11"h. x 14"w.
In the Wintering of Willows, 2012. oil on birch panel48"h. x 48"w. x 4"d.
Lost Codes in Winter, 2012. o/c 50"h. x 56"w.